• Bakersfield
    GEOL 475 – Hydrogeology
    GEOL 525 – Applied Hydrogeochemistry
    GEOL 555 – Contaminant Hydrogeology
    GEOL 420 – Environmental Geochemistry
    GEOL 477 – Special Topics in Geology
    GEOL 580 – Advanced Research Participation
    GEOL 625 – Subsurface Exploration Methods
    GEOL 650 – Groundwater Flow Modeling
    GEOL 577 – Advanced Topics in Geology

  • Chico
    GEOS 380 - Hydrology
    GEOS 382 - Hydrologic Field Methods I
    GEOS 383 - Hydrologic Field Method II
    GEOS 415 - Hydrogeology
    GEOS 460 - Water Resources Management
    GEOS 516 - Natural Water Systems
    GEOS 410 - Introduction to Watershed Hydrology

    PSSC 458 - Irrigation Systems
    PSSC 456 - Water Quality, Saline Soils

    BIOL 404 - Aquatic Ecology
    BIOL 669 - Topics in Limnology

    CIVL 562 - Engineering Hydrology
    CIVL 567 - Applied Hydraulics
    CIVL 571 - Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment
    CIVL 573 - Water Quality Engineering
    CIVL 661 - Advanced Open Channel Hydraulics Design

    GEOG 426 - Water Resources Policy and Planning

    GEOL 420- Environmental Geochemistry
    GEOL 475- Hydrogeology
    GEOL 525- Applied Hydrogeochemistry
    GEOL 555- Contaminant Hydrogeology
    GEOL 650- Groundwater Flow Modeling
    GEOS 600 - Geosciences Seminar I
    GEOS 601 - Geosciences Seminar II
    GEOS 621 - Advanced Topics in Hydrology
    GEOS 640 - Hydrochemistry

    BS Agriculture and BS Ag Business
    AGET 360 - Irrigation
    AGRI 331 - Agricltural Ecology

  • Dominguez Hills
    EAR 476- Groundwater
    GEO 315 - Meteorology
    GEO 412 - Rivers and Streams
    GEO 416 - Climatology

  • East Bay
    ENSC/GEOL 3500 - Environmental Hydrology
    GEOL 4320 - Hydrogeology

    GEOG 4350 - Water Resources and Management
    GEOG 4355 - Watershed Management
    GEOG 2100 - Physical Geography
    GEOG 3000 - Sustainable Resource Management
    GEOG 3115 -Physical Landscape Analysis
    GEOG 3120 - Climatic Change
    GEOG 3410 - Air-Photo Interpretation
    ENVT/GEOG 3480 - Applied Field Studies
    GEOG 4330 - Sustainable Development
    GEOG 4350 - Water Resources and Management (4)
    GEOG 4355 - Watershed Management (4)*
    GEOG 4425 - Remote Sensing of Earth Environments
    GEOG 4600 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
    GEOG 4605 - Environmental Applications of GIS
    ENVT 3400 - Environmental Resource Analysis
    ENVT 4100 - Environmental Impact Analysis
    ENVT 4910 - Internship in Environmental Studies
    GEOL 2100 - Physical Geology
    ENSC/GEOL 2210 - Environmental Geology
    GEOL 3110 - Principles of Geomorphology
    ENSC/GEOL 3500 - Environmental Hydrology
    GEOL 4320 - Hydrogeology
    CHEM 4601 - Environmental Chemistry
    CHEM 4602 - Environmental Chemistry II
    BIOL 3032 - Diversity of Organisms in Selected Habitats
    BIOL 3216 - Freshwater Environments
    BIOL 3405 - Microbiology
    BIOL 3410 - Epidimiology
    BIOL 4340 - Environmental Microbiology
    BIOL 4435/6435 - Water Quality & Human Health
    POSC 4171 - Public Policy and the Environment
    POSC 3460 - Environmental Law
    GEOG 6100 - Seminar in Physical Geography
    GEOG 6660 - Seminar in Human Impacts on the Natural Environment
    GEOG 6780 - Seminar in Environmental Planning
    GEOG 6800 - Seminar in Urban and Regional Planning and Development
    GEOG 6820 - Seminar in Sustainable Cities

    GEOG 4350 - Water Resources and Management
    GEOG 4355 - Watershed Management
    GEOG 2100 - Physical Geography
    GEOG 3000 - Sustainable Resource Management
    GEOG 3115 -Physical Landscape Analysis
    GEOG 3120 - Climatic Change
    GEOG 3410 - Air-Photo Interpretation
    ENVT/GEOG 3480 - Applied Field Studies
    GEOG 4330 - Sustainable Development
    GEOG 4350 - Water Resources and Management (4)
    GEOG 4355 - Watershed Management (4)*
    GEOG 4425 - Remote Sensing of Earth Environments
    GEOG 4600 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
    GEOG 4605 - Environmental Applications of GIS
    ENVT 3400 - Environmental Resource Analysis
    ENVT 4100 - Environmental Impact Analysis
    ENVT 4910 - Internship in Environmental Studies
    GEOL 2100 - Physical Geology
    ENSC/GEOL 2210 - Environmental Geology
    GEOL 3110 - Principles of Geomorphology
    ENSC/GEOL 3500 - Environmental Hydrology
    GEOL 4320 - Hydrogeology
    CHEM 4601 - Environmental Chemistry
    CHEM 4602 - Environmental Chemistry II
    BIOL 3032 - Diversity of Organisms in Selected Hab
    BIOL 3216 - Freshwater Environments
    BIOL 3405 - Microbiology
    BIOL 3410 - Epidimiology
    BIOL 4340 - Environmental Microbiology
    BIOL 4435/6435 - Water Quality & Human Health
    POSC 4171 - Public Policy and the Environment
    POSC 3460 - Environmental Law
    GEOG 6100 - Seminar in Physical Geography
    GEOG 6660 - Seminar in Human Impacts on the Natural Environment
    GEOG 6780 - Seminar in Environmental Planning
    GEOG 6800 - Seminar in Urban and Regional Planning and Development
    GEOG 6820 - Seminar in Sustainable Cities

  • Fresno
    EES 201 - Seminar in Geology
    EES 202 - Geology Lab and Teaching Techniques
    EES 210 - Analysis of Faults and Earthquake
    EES 217T - Topics in Hydrogeology & Environmental Geology
    EES 220 - Groundwater Hydrology
    EES 230 - Contaminant Transport
    EES 231 - Basin Analysis Seminar

    GEOL 280- Water Resources and Society
    ES_P 200- California Environmental Issues
    ES_P 400- Environmental Science and Polcy Capstone
    GEOG 440- Land and Water Resources
    GEOG 443- Watershed Processes and Management
    GEOG 640- Seminar in Physical & Environmental Geography
    CE 140 - Hydrology
    CE 141 - Water Resources Engineering
    CE 142 - Environmental Engineering
    CE 144 - Design of Water Quality Control Processes
    CE 146 - Urban Stormwater Management

    CE 240 - Engineering Hydrology
    CE 246A - Advanced Water Quality
    CE 246B - Advanced Water Quality
    CE 247 - Solid Wastes Engineering
    CE 206. Engineering Environmental Impact

    M.S. Plant Science
    PL253 - Soil & Plant Water Relations

  • Fullerton
    BS Geology, MS Geology, MS Environmental Studies
    GEOL 335 - Hydrology and Surface Processes
    GEOL 436 - Hydrogeology
    GEOL 535 - Hydrogeochemistry
    GEOL 535 - Groundwater Modeling
    GEOL 535 - Environmental Sampling Procedures and Protocols
    GEOL 535 - Well Hydraulics and Aquifer Testing
    GEOL 535 - Contaminant Hydrogeochemistry

  • Humboldt
    WSHD 310 - Hydrology & Watershed Management
    WSHD 333 - Wildland Water Quality
    WSHD 434 - Watershed Hydrology
    WSHD 430 - Water Rights & Water Water
    WSHD 480 - Selected Topics in Watershed Management
    WSHD 520 - Watershed Analysis
    WSHD 540 - Modeling Watershed in GIS

    ENGR 451 - Water and Waste Water Treatment
    ENGR 455 - Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Management

    ENGR 418 - Applied Hydraulics
    ENGR 441 - Advanced Hydrology
    ENGR 443 - Groundwater Systems Planning and Management
    ENGR 445 - Water Resources Planning and Management
    ENGR 448 - River Hydraulics

    FISH 320 - Limnology
    FISH 485 - Ecology of Running Waters
    FISH 443 - Water Pollution Biology

    MS Natural Resources, Wastewater Utilization Option
    FISH 320 Limnology
    FISH 320L Limnology Laboratory (separate course)
    FISH 443 Problems in Water Pollution Biology
    FISH 525 Wastewater Ecosystems Analysis and Reuse

  • Long Beach
    CE 364 - Environmental Engineering I
    CE 365 - Environmental Engineering Lab
    CE 435 - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
    CE 437 - Engineering Hydraulics
    CE 438 - Hydraulic Engineering Design

    CE 531 - Groundwater and Seepage
    CE 534 - Advanced Hydrology
    CE 536 - Urban Surface Water Management
    CE 538 - Hydraulic Engineering Design II
    CE 562 - Water and Wastewater Treatment Design I
    CE 630 - Mathematical Modeling in Hydraulic Engineering

    GEOG 280 - Water Resources and Society
    GEOG 400 - Environmental Science and Policy
    GEOG 440 - Land and Water Environments
    GEOG 443 - Watersheds: Processes and Managements
    ES_P 200 - California Environmental Issues (Water)
    ES_P 400 - Environmental Science and Policy Capstone (Los Cerritos Wetlands)

    GEOL 190 - Environmental Geology
    GEOL 191 - Air and Water Pollution
    GEOL 280 - Water Resources and Society
    GEOL 303 - Coastal Systems and Human Impacts
    GEOL 339 - Introduction to Geomorphology
    GEOL 410./510 - Biogeochemical Cycles
    GEOL 465./565 - Physical and Chemical Oceanography
    GEOL 477./577 - Hydrogeology
    GEOL 486./586 - Engineering Geophysics
    GEOL 565./465 - Physical and Chemical Oceanography

  • Los Angeles
    CE 486 - Groundwater Contamination & Remediation
    CE 484 - Sewerage and Sewage Treatment
    GEOL 485 - Groundwater Management and Models
    GEOL 561 - Vadose Zone Hydrology
    GEOL 562 - Contaminant Hydrogeology
    GEOL 563 - Water Quality Seminar

    GEOL 487 - Watershed Analysis
    GEOG 466 - Remote Sensing

    CE 581 - Modeling Techniques in Hydraulic Engineering
    CE 582 - Statistical Hydrology
    CE 583 - Hydrology II
    CE 586 - Open Channel Hydraulics
    CE 587 - Hydraulics II
    CE 588 - Hydraulic Structures
    CE 589 - Coastal Engineering

  • Monterey Bay
    ESSP 532 - Advanced & Spatial Analysis
    ESSP 560 - Watershed Systems
    ESSP 660 - Advanced Watershed Science & Policy

    BS Environmental Science Technology and Policy (Watershed Systems Concentration)
    GEOL 460/L - River Hydrology Assessment and Management
    ENVS 442 - Vernal Pools of Fort Ord
    GEOL 360/L - Gemorphic Systems
    ENVS 387 - Water Resources Law and Policy
    BIO 448 - Aquatic Ecology
    ENVS 369S - Community-Based Watershed Restoration (service learning)

    ENVS 548 - Aquatic Ecology
    ENVS 536 - Remote Sensing and Image Processing
    ENVS 540 - Environmental Modeling
    ENVS 542 - Vernal Pools of Fort Ord

    ENVS 448 - Aquatic Ecology
    ENVS 448L - Aquatic Ecology Lab
    ENVS 355 - Environmental Monitoring
    ENVS 355L - Environmental Monitoring Lab

  • Pomona
    Plant Sciences & Landscape Irrigation Design Minor
    PLT 232 - Irrigation and Water Management
    PLT 251 - Sprinkler Irrigation
    PLT 252/252L - Computer Aided Design
    PLT 322/322L - Golf Course Irrigation
    PLT 340/340L - Drip Irrigation
    PLT 341 - Landscape Drainage
    PLT 440/440L - Advanced Irrigation & Water Management
    PLT 452/452L - Irrigation Trouble shooting
    LIS 512 - Advanced Principles of Irrigation
    LIS 522 - Advanced Irrigation Design

  • Sacramento
    GEOL 200- Graduate Research Methods
    GEOL 220 - Surficial Processes
    GEOL 212 - Geologic Remote Imaging
    GEOL 227 - Advanced Hydrogeology
    GEOL 218 - Applied Geophysics
    GEOL 240G - Engineering Geology
    GEOL 202 - Aqueous Geochemistry
    GEOL 204 - Contaminant Hydrogeology
    GEOL 208 - Groundwater Modeling

    MS Civil Engineering -- Environmental emphasis
    CE 250 - Systems Analysis of Resources Development
    CE 252A - Environmental Quality Processes I (water chem)
    CE 252B - Environmental Quality Processes II (bio treat)
    CE 252C - Environmental Quality Processes III (phys/chem treat)
    CE 254 - Water Quality Management.
    CE 255 - Transport of Chemicals in Soil Systems

    MS Civil Engineering - Water resources emphasis
    CE 250 - Systems Analysis of Resources Development
    CE 251 - Water Resources Planning
    CE 271 - Modern Hydrologic Techniques
    CE 272 - Advanced Engineering Hydraulics
    CE 274 - Hydrologic Modeling
    CE 276 - Groundwater Hydrology

    BS Civil Engineering
    CE 138 - Hydrology
    CE 139 - Hydraulic Flow Design
    CE 137 - Water Resources Engineering
    CE 135 - Hydraulics Laboratory
    CE 170 - Principles of Environmental Engineering
    CE 172 - Design of Urban Water and Sewer Systems
    CE 173 - Design of Water Quality Control Processes
    CE 181 - Geoenvironmental Engineering
    CE 196B - Stormwater Management

    CE 28A - Water Treatment Plant Operation I
    CE 28B - Water Treatment Plant Operation II
    CE 29 - Small Water System Operation and Maintenance

    CE 38A - Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants
    CE 38B - Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants
    CE 39 - Advanced Waste Treatment

  • San Bernardino
    GEOG 470 - Hydrology and Water Resources
    GEOL 375 - Groundwater Hydrology
    GEOL 376 - Field Methods in Hydrology
    GEOL 430 - Engineering Geology

    GEOL 510 - Scientific Issues in Surface and Ground
    GEOL 610 - Environmental Geosciences

    B.S. Health Science/Environmental Health Concentration
    HSCI 120 - Health and Society: An Ecological approach
    HSCI 352 - Priciples of Environmental Health
    HSCI 358 - Water Quality and Pollution Control
    HSCI 401 - Advanced Environmental Health
    HSCI 558 - Management of Water Quality

  • San Diego
    ENVE 555 - Water and Wastewater Engineering
    CIVE 632 - Computational Hydraulics and Hydrology
    CIVE 633 - Environmental Hydrology
    CIVE 634 - Surface Water Hydrology
    CIVE 635 - Water Quality Engineer
    CIVE 636 - Water Quality Processes
    CIVE 642 - Groundwater Seepage and Earth Dams
    GEO 653 - Groundwater Aquifer Testing
    GEO 675 - Groundwater Geochemistry

    CIVE 444 - Hydraulics
    ENVE 555 - Water & Wastewater Engineering

    GEOG 483 - Watershed Analysis
    GEOG 511 - Hydrology and Global Environmental Change

    GEOG 511 - Hydrology and Global Environmental Change
    GEOG 574 - Water Resources

    GEOL 551 - Hydrogeology
    GEOL 651 - Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flow
    GEOL 675 - Groundwater Geochemistry
    GEOL 676 - Solute Transport in Groundwater
    GEOL 677 - Environmental Fate of Organic Contaminants

    BIOL 305 - Scientific Scuba Diving
    BIOL 306 - Scientific Scuba Diving for Certified Divers
    BIOL 324 - Life in the Sea
    BIOL 461 - Underwater Research Methods and Techniques
    BIOL 512 - Evolution and Ecology of Marine Mammals
    BIOL 514 - Biology of the Algae
    BIOL 515 - Marine Invertebrate Biology
    BIOL 516A - Marine Larval Ecology Research Part 1
    BIOL 516B - Marine Larval Ecology Research Part 2
    BIOL 517 - Marine Ecology
    BIOL 541 - Ecology of Fishes and Fisheries Biology
    BIOL 596 - Biology of Fishes
    BIOL 598 - International Exp: Sustainability of Coastal Ecosystems
    BIOL 604 - Seminar in Aquatic Ecology
    BIOL 677 - Seminar in Marine Conservation Biology

  • San Francisco
    GEOL 476 - Groundwater Contamination
    GEOL 450 - Geomorphology
    BIOL 534 - Wetlands Ecology
    GEOG 647 - Geography of Water Resources
    GEOG 642 - Watershed Assessment and Restoration
    GEOL 475 - Hydrogeology

  • San Jose
    CE 152 - Engineering Hydrology
    CE 153 - Groundwater Flow and Transport
    CE 154 - Hydraulic Design
    CE 241 - Groundwater, Seepage and Drainage Control
    CE 250 - Water Resources Engineering
    CE 252 - Advanced Hydrology
    CE 273 - Water Treatment and Plant Design
    CE 274 - Wastewater Treatment and Plant Design

  • San Luis Obispo
    BS in BioResource and Agricultural Engr, concentration in Water Engineering
    BRAE 236 - Irrigation Principles
    BRAE 312 - Hydraulics
    BRAE 331 - Irrigation Theory
    BRAE 337 - Landscape Irrigation
    BRAE 340 - Irrigation Water Management
    BRAE 405 - Chemigation
    BRAE 435 - Drainage
    BRAE 438 - Drip Irrigation
    BRAE 439 - Vineyard Water Management
    BRAE 440 - Agricultural Irrigation Systems
    BRAE 414 - Irrigation System Design

  • Stanislaus
    CE 201 - Mechanics of Materials
    CE 336 - Water Resources Engineering
    CE 337 - Hydraulics Laboratory
    CE 381 - Geotechnical Engineering
    CE 434 - Groundwater Hydraulics and Hydrology
    ENVE 111 - Intro to Environmental Engineering Profession
    ENVE 304 - Process Thermodynamics
    ENVE 331 - Intro to Environmental Engineering
    ENVE 416 - Environmental Process Modeling
    ENVE 421 - Mass Transfer Operation
    ENVE 434 - Water Quality Measurements
    ENVE 438 - Water and Wastewater Treatment Design
    ENVE 443 - Bioenvironmental Engineering
    ENVE 450 - Industrial Pollution Prevention
    ENVE 455 - Environmental Health and Safety
    ENVE 535 - Advanced Wastewater Treatment
    ENVE 536 - Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes Engineering
    ENVE 537 - Decentralized Wastewater Management
    ENVE 551 - Environmental Unit Operations
    ENVE 552 - Environmental Problems of the Semiconductor Industry

    ENVE 411- Air Pollution Control
    ENVE 421 - Mass Transfer Operations
    ENVE 434 - Water Quality Measurements
    ENVE 436 - Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management
    ENVE 437 - Industrial and Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies
    ENVE 438 - Water and Wastewater Treatment Design
    ENVE 439 - Solid Waste Management
    ENVE 443 - Bioenvironmental Engineering I
    ENVE 465 - Environmental Management and Urban Systems
    ENVE 534 - Advanced Design of Pollution Control Systems
    ENVE 535 - Advanced Wastewater Treatment
    ENVE 536 - Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes Engineering
    ENVE 541 - Resource and Energy Recovery

    BRAE 340 - Irrigation Water Management
    SS 121 - Introductory Soil Science
    FNR 408 - Water Resource Law and Policy
    AGB 315 - Land Economics
    FNR 320 - Watershed Mgt and Restoration
    FNR 420 - Natural Resources Policy Analysis
    SS 433 - Land Use Planning
    FNR 306 - Natural Res Ecology/Habitat Mgt
    FNR 320 - Watershed Management
    FNR 420 - Advanced Watershed Hydrology
    SS 440 - Forest and Range Soils

    CE 336 - Water Resources Engineering
    CE 337 - Hydraulics Laboratory
    CE 431 - Coastal Hydraulics (I)
    CE 432 - Coastal Hydraulics (II)
    CE 433 - Open Channel Flow

    NR 320 - Watershed Management and Restoration
    NR 321 - Water Systems Technology, Issues, and Impacts
    NR 408 - Water Resource Law and Policy
    NR 420 - Advanced Watershed Hydrology

    BRAE 405 - Chemigation
    BRAE 414 - Irrigation Engineering
    BRAE 435 - Drainage or BRAE 437 - Conservation Engineering or BRAE 440 - Agricultural Irrigation Systems
    BRAE 438 - Drip/Micro Irrigation or BRAE 439 Vineyard Irrigation
    BRAE 532 - Water Wells and Pumps
    BRAE 500 - Individual Study
    BRAE 533 - Irrigation Project Design
    BRAE 599 - Thesis

    BRAE 533 - Irrigation Project Design
    CE 573 - Public Works Administration
    BRAE 532 - Water Wells and Pumps
    CE 434 - Groundwater Hydraulics and Hydrology
    CE 440 - Hydraulic Systems Engineering
    ENVE 438 - Water and Wastewater Treatment Des
    ENVE 535 - Advanced Wastewater Treatment

    BS Environmental Management and Protection
    NR 575 - Applications in Advanced Watershed Hydrology

    BS Biology, BS Microbiology, MS Biology, MA Biology
    MCRO 342 - Sanitary Microbiology
    MCRO 436 - Environmental Microbiology
    BIO 307 - World Aquaculture: Applications, Methodologies and Trends
    BIO 328 - Marine Biology (5)
    BIO 421 - Wetlands (Also listed as FNR/SS 421)
    BIO 437 - Marine Resources
    BIO 438 - Aquaculture

    Bachelor of Science in Soil Science
    ERSC 202 - Soil Erosion and Water Conservation
    SS 432 - Soil Physics
    SS 432 - Soil and Water Chemistry

    Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences
    ERSC 144 - Introduction to Earth Systems
    ERSC 202 - Soil Erosion and Water Conservation
    ERSC/GEOG 333 - Human Impact on the Earth
    SS 423 - Soil and Water Chemistry
    SS 432 - Soil Physics

    MS in Water Engineering
    CE 539 - Environmental Hydraulics
    CE538 - Urban Water Systems
    CE433 - Open Channel Hydraulics

    BS in Civil Engineering
    CE440 - Hydraulic Systems Engineering
    CE434 - Groundwater Hydraulics
    CE433 - Open Channel Hydraulics
    CE538 - Urban Water Systems
    CE539 - Environmental Hydraulics

    MS in Agriculture, Soil Science Specialization
    SS 508 - Environmental Assessment for Erosion Control

    B.S. in Geology
    GEOL 174 - Hazardous Materials
    GEOL 138 - Introductory Hydrogeology
    GEOL 134 - Geomorphology
    GEOL 140 - Introductory Engineering Geology
    GEOL 137 - Introduction to GPS/GIS
    GEOL 147 - Introduction to Applied Geophysics

    M.S. in Geology
    GEOL 238 - Advanced Hydrogeology
    GEOL 220 - Advanced Engineering Geology
    GEOL 234 - Advanced Geomorphology
    ECON 435 - Economics of Land and Water