2016 Water Technology Conference – Home

Water and innovations are on everyone’s minds due to low rainfall. Mix in the Water/Energy Nexus and we have fertile ground for entrepreneurs. This year’s conference is designed to learn from researchers, industry and water experts about the San Joaquin Valley’s water challenges and what we could expect in the future. The morning plenary sessions will provide an overview addressing the impact of groundwater legislation, technology, and why investors are excited about putting their money in water. The three concurrent afternoon sessions will address groundwater technology, urban water issues and how technology is changing the way we manage our water supplies. Finally, our lunch speaker is the former Mayor of Los Angeles and he has first-hand knowledge about challenges in meeting the water needs of the second largest city in the United States. Additionally we will have an expanded vendor exhibit and student research posters to visit. Please plan to join us for an exciting day of information and networking.
Water, science and technology will again converge for a variety of technical sessions, exhibits and networking opportunities at the 2016 Water Technology Conference. Join us May 12, 2016 at the Veterans Memorial Building in Clovis, California for a conference that focuses on water technology innovations and science to help ensure water supplies for our future.
Attendee registration is $99 per person before April 30, $125 after that date. For sponsorship and exhibitor prices and information click on the Exhibitor/Sponsor link.